/* Iup::Fill: Example in C Uses the Fill element to horizontally centralize a button and to justify it to the left and right. */ #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Initializes IUP */ Iup::Open(argc, argv); /* Creates frame with left aligned button */ Iup::Frame frame_left ( Iup::Hbox ( Iup::Button("Ok"), Iup::Fill() ) ); /* Sets frame's title */ frame_left.SetAttribute("TITLE", "Left aligned"); /* Creates frame with centered button */ Iup::Frame frame_center ( Iup::Hbox ( Iup::Fill (), Iup::Button("Ok"), Iup::Fill () ) ); /* Sets frame's title */ frame_center.SetAttribute("TITLE", "Centered"); /* Creates frame with right aligned button */ Iup::Frame frame_right ( Iup::Hbox ( Iup::Fill (), Iup::Button ("Ok") ) ); /* Sets frame's title */ frame_right.SetAttribute("TITLE", "Right aligned"); /* Creates dialog with these three frames */ Iup::Dialog dialog ( Iup::Vbox ( frame_left, frame_center, frame_right ) ); /* Sets dialog's size and title */ dialog.SetAttributes("SIZE=120, TITLE=Iup::Fill"); dialog.Show(); /* Shows dialog in the center of the screen */ Iup::MainLoop(); /* Initializes IUP main loop */ Iup::Close(); /* Finishes IUP */ return 0; }