/*IupRadio Example in C Creates a dialog for the user to select his/her gender. In this case, the radio element is essential to prevent the user from selecting both options. */ #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { Iup::Open(argc, argv); Iup::Toggle male("Male"); Iup::Toggle female("Female"); Iup::Radio exclusive ( Iup::Vbox ( male, female ) ); exclusive.SetAttributeHandle("VALUE", female); male.SetAttribute("TIP", "Two state button - Exclusive - RADIO"); female.SetAttribute("TIP", "Two state button - Exclusive - RADIO"); Iup::Frame frame ( exclusive ); frame.SetAttribute("TITLE", "Gender"); Iup::Dialog dialog ( Iup::Hbox ( Iup::Fill(), frame, Iup::Fill() ) ); dialog.SetAttributes("SIZE=140, TITLE=IupRadio, RESIZE=NO, MINBOX=NO, MAXBOX=NO"); dialog.Show(); Iup::MainLoop(); Iup::Close(); return 0; }