#IupRadio Example in LED #Creates a dialog for the user to select his/her gender. In this case, the radio element is essential to prevent the user from selecting both options. ##################################################### # IupRadio - (mutually exclusive) TWO-STATE BUTTONS # ##################################################### male = TOGGLE [TIP="Two state button - Exclusive - RADIO"]("Male", action_gender) female = TOGGLE [TIP="Two state button - Exclusive - RADIO"]("Female", action_gender) exclusive = RADIO [VALUE="female"] ( vbox(male, female) ) frame = FRAME [TITLE="Gender"] (exclusive) body = HBOX ( FILL(), frame, FILL() ) ########## # DIALOG # ########## dialog = DIALOG [ SIZE=140, RESIZE=NO, MINBOX=NO, MAXBOX=NO, TITLE="IupRadio" ] (body)