require ("iuplua") if (not loadstring) then loadstring = load end console = {} console.prompt = iup.text{expand="Horizontal", dragdrop = "Yes"} console.output = iup.text{expand="Yes", readonly="Yes", bgcolor="232 232 232", font = "Courier, 11", appendnewline = "No", multiline = "Yes"} console.prompt.tip = "Enter - executes a Lua command\n".. "Esc - clears the command\n".. "Ctrl+Del - clears the output\n".. "Ctrl+O - selects a file and execute it\n".. "Ctrl+X - exits the console\n".. "Up Arrow - shows the previous command in history\n".. "Down Arrow - shows the next command in history\n".. "Drop files here to execute them" console.orig_output = io.output console.orig_write = io.write console.orig_print = print function io.output(filename) console.orig_output(filename) if (filename) then io.write = console.orig_write else io.write = console.new_write end end function console.new_write(...) -- Try to simulate the same behavior of the standard io.write local arg = {...} local str -- allow to print a nil value for i,v in ipairs(arg) do if (str) then str = str .. tostring(v) else str = tostring(v) end end console.print2output(str, true) end io.write = console.new_write function print(...) -- Try to simulate the same behavior of the standard print local arg = {...} local str -- allow to print a nil value for i,v in ipairs(arg) do if (i > 1) then str = str .. "\t" -- only add Tab for more than 1 parameters end if (str) then str = str .. tostring(v) else str = tostring(v) end end console.print2output(str) end function console.print2output(s, no_newline) if (no_newline) then console.output.append = tostring(s) console.no_newline = no_newline else if (console.no_newline) then -- if io.write was called, then a print is called, must add a new line before console.output.append = "\n" .. tostring(s) .. "\n" console.no_newline = nil else console.output.append = tostring(s) .. "\n" end end end function console.print_command(cmd) console.add_command(cmd) console.print2output("> " .. cmd) end function console.add_command(cmd) console.cmd_index = nil if (not console.cmd_list) then console.cmd_list = {} end local n = #(console.cmd_list) console.cmd_list[n+1] = cmd end function console.prev_command() if (not console.cmd_list) then return end if (not console.cmd_index) then console.cmd_index = #(console.cmd_list) else console.cmd_index = console.cmd_index - 1 if (console.cmd_index == 0) then console.cmd_index = 1 end end console.prompt.value = console.cmd_list[console.cmd_index] end function console.next_command() if (not console.cmd_list) then return end if (not console.cmd_index) then return else console.cmd_index = console.cmd_index + 1 local n = #(console.cmd_list) if (console.cmd_index == n+1) then console.cmd_index = n end end console.prompt.value = console.cmd_list[console.cmd_index] end function console.do_file(filename) local cmd = 'dofile(' .. string.format('%q', filename) .. ')' console.print_command(cmd) dofile(filename) end function console.do_string(cmd) console.print_command(cmd) assert(loadstring(cmd))() end function console.open_file() local fd=iup.filedlg{dialogtype="OPEN", title="Load File", nochangedir="NO", directory=console.last_directory, filter="*.*", filterinfo="All Files", allownew="NO"} fd:popup(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER) local status = fd.status local filename = fd.value console.last_directory = -- save the previous directory fd:destroy() if (status == "-1") or (status == "1") then if (status == "1") then error ("Cannot load file: "..filename) end else console.do_file(filename) end end function console.prompt:dropfiles_cb(filename) -- will execute all dropped files, can drop more than one at once -- works in Windows and in Linux console.do_file(filename) end function console.prompt:k_any(key) if (key == iup.K_CR) then -- Enter executes the string console.do_string(self.value) self.value = "" end if (key == iup.K_ESC) then -- Esc clears console.prompt self.value = "" end if (key == iup.K_cO) then -- Ctrl+O selects a file and execute it console.open_file() end if (key == iup.K_cX) then -- Ctrl+X exits the console console.dialog:close_cb() end if (key == iup.K_cDEL) then -- Ctrl+Del clears console.output console.output.value = "" end if (key == iup.K_UP) then -- Up Arrow - shows the previous command in history console.prev_command() end if (key == iup.K_DOWN) then -- Down Arrow - shows the next command in history console.next_command() end end console.dialog = iup.dialog { iup.vbox { iup.frame { iup.hbox -- use it to inherit margins { console.prompt, }, title = "Command:", }, iup.frame { iup.hbox -- use it to inherit margins { console.output }, title = "Output:", }, margin = "5x5", gap = "5", }, title="Lua Console", size="250x180", -- initial size icon=0, -- use the Lua icon from the executable in Windows } function console.dialog:close_cb() print = console.orig_print -- restore print and io.write io.write = console.orig_write iup.ExitLoop() -- should be removed if used inside a bigger application console.dialog:destroy() return iup.IGNORE end function console.version_info() print(_VERSION, _COPYRIGHT) -- _COPYRIGHT does not exists by default, but it could... print("IUP " .. iup._VERSION .. " " .. iup._COPYRIGHT) print(" System: " .. iup.GetGlobal("SYSTEM")) print(" System Version: " .. iup.GetGlobal("SYSTEMVERSION")) local mot = iup.GetGlobal("MOTIFVERSION") if (mot) then print(" Motif Version: ", mot) end local gtk = iup.GetGlobal("GTKVERSION") if (gtk) then print(" GTK Version: ", gtk) end end console.dialog:show() console.dialog.size = nil -- reset initial size, allow resize to smaller values iup.SetFocus(console.prompt) console.version_info() if (iup.MainLoopLevel() == 0) then iup.MainLoop() end