require 'iupx' require 'iupluacontrols' require 'lfs' local append = table.insert function get_dir (path) local files = {} local dirs = {} for f in lfs.dir(path) do if f ~= '.' and f ~= '..' then if lfs.attributes(path..'/'..f,'mode') == 'file' then append(files,f) else append(dirs,f) end end end return files,dirs end tree = iup.tree {} function set (id,value,attrib) iup.TreeSetTableId(tree,id,{value,attrib}) end function get(id) return iup.TreeGetTable(tree,id) end function fill (path,id) local files,dirs = get_dir(path) id = id + 1 local state = "STATE" for i = #files,1,-1 do -- put the files in reverse order! tree.addleaf = files[i] set(id,path..'/'..files[i]) end for i = #dirs,1,-1 do -- ditto for directories! tree.addbranch = dirs[i] set(id,path..'/'..dirs[i],'dir') tree[state] = "COLLAPSED" end end function tree:branchopen_cb(id) tree.value = id local t = get(id) if t[2] == 'dir' then fill(t[1],id) set(id,t[1],'xdir') end end fill("/stuff/lua/lib/scitex",0) --~ fill('.',0) iupx.show_dialog{tree; title = "Directory Listing"}