
# Include TEC_UNAME definitions
source ./tec_uname

echo ' '
echo '  This script will configure the Tecgraf libraries in the system'
echo '  to be used from Lua. It was tested in Ubuntu and in Fedora.'
echo ' '
echo '  The current Lua version is defined by the variables:'
echo '    USE_LUA51 (default) or USE_LUA52 or USE_LUA52'
echo ' '
echo '  The Run Time libraries must be already installed on the system (see the install script).'
echo '  It assumes that Lua binaries are installed using system packages.'
echo ' '
echo '  Must be run with "sudo", or install will fail,'
echo '  for example:'
echo '     sudo ./config_lua_module'
echo ' '

  ln -fsv $TEC_SYSTEM_LIB/lib$1$LUA_SFX.so $1.so

# From tec_uname script

mkdir -p $TEC_LUA_LIB

Make_Lua_Link iuplua
Make_Lua_Link iupluacontrols
Make_Lua_Link iupluacd
Make_Lua_Link iupluagl
Make_Lua_Link iuplua_plot
Make_Lua_Link iuplua_mglplot
Make_Lua_Link iupluaim
Make_Lua_Link iupluaimglib
Make_Lua_Link iupluascintilla
Make_Lua_Link iupluaglcontrols
Make_Lua_Link iupluaweb
Make_Lua_Link iupluascripterdlg