This guide was created using NetBeans 8.2 IDE in Windows 7 x64 bit OS (but similar configuration also tested in Linux).
To create a new project go to the menu "File -> New Project..." or use "Ctrl+Shit+N" and select "C/C++ Application":
You can use several compilers, for this tutorial we will choose the MinGW_TDM x64 compiler. Just use the respective IUP binaries package: "dllw4_64" or compile required libraries yourself.
Then remove the automatically added files and add your files to the newly created project or just start by editing default main.c file.
After creating the project you must configure it to find the IUP includes and libraries. Select your project and use option "Properties", that would be available when one press right mouse button (MB3)".
To configure the include files location go to "Build -> C Compiler -> General -> Include Directories" and add the paths you need in your project:
Do not forget that by default one use Configuration: Debug (active). You should as well repeat all these steps for Configuration: Release.
To configure the library files location go to project properties and then "Build -> C Compiler -> General -> Linker -> Additional Libraries Directories" and add the paths you need:
And then add the library files by using option "Build -> C Compiler -> General -> Linker -> Libraries" then in "Link libraries" add the files that you need:
Additional hints:
· Oracle Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 8 is required to install NetBeans 8.2 IDE on Windows or Linux OS. Download it here: Oracle JDK Download
· When downloading NetBeans IDE please select C/C++ version. It is available for both x86 and x64 platforms (corresponding x86 or x64 Java JDK required).
· On Windows 10 x64 platform one could face issue with installation of NetBeans 8.2 IDE, when system would complain about "unsupported Java version" and aborting installation. In that case just download portable version, that would not require installation, extract it to required directory and start NetBeans 8.2 from there.
· NetBeans IDE is multiplatform one and could run on Windows and Linux providing the same user interface and features.
· On Windows or Linux platforms NetBeans would use locale to set GUI language. If you would prefer IDE in English then just edit shortcut (on Windows OS) and all option: --locale en_US, something like:
"D:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\bin\netbeans64.exe" --locale en:US
and then IDE would start in English when you restart it. Another way to get the same result is to edit netbeans.conf and add parameters: "-J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US" to the option "netbeans_default_options". (working on both Linux and Windows)